Ingrid Karm September 8, 2016 Conceptual, Video, Art, Behind the Scenes Decadent Part 2 - Concept to Publication | Melbourne Concept Photographer Ingrid Karm September 8, 2016 Conceptual, Video, Art, Behind the Scenes Welcome back to part two of Decadent - Concept to Publication if you haven’t read part one it can be found hereHaving finalised all the props and made all the cup cakes its almost time to actually take some photo
Ingrid Karm May 28, 2013 Video, Art Wall Flower | Tasmanian Concept Photography Ingrid Karm May 28, 2013 Video, Art This is the last Behind the Scenes video from the weekend shoot, there is still more to come from this series but they are still in the concept stage.
Ingrid Karm May 16, 2013 Video, Art Laneway Cafe | Tasmanian Concept Photographer Ingrid Karm May 16, 2013 Video, Art This behind the scenes video is for the first part of the journey of blending into a new and strange environment and how we try not to be noticed.